Water, the Lake, and Me


    Have you ever thought about your relationship with water? 

Being right up there in importance with air and food, the chemicals of H2O are vital for life and growth.  Babies are born with bodies composed of 78% water, and the adult brain sloshes around at 8%.  We are blessed by beneficial moisture through weather systems, and oceans that cover almost three-fourths of the earth’s surface.

    Water makes people happy. Who hasn’t seen the joy of toddlers splashing in a bathtub, or heard screams of excitement when children jump into a pool?  Bubbling fountains encourage relaxing in city squares and parks.  Studies say that looking at serene, blue bodies of water, even if only in a photo, will deflate stress.  Sound machines that reproduce rhythmic ocean waves or a gentle rain will enhance the quality of sleep. 

     Being blessed to live a few blocks west of a great lake, I have an embarrassing confession to make.  Not only do I not take the time to appreciate Lake Michigan’s awe-inspiring qualities, I often forget it is there. Difficult to believe, but it's true!

     When a land-locked friend visited my home recently on a warm, sunny day, we walked along the shore enjoying the breezes and panoramic view.  Her verbal appreciation, “It is so pretty here!” struck a guilty chord in my heart. 

    What prevents me from noticing, enjoying and appreciating nature's divine design?  Is it my sin-stained priorities, or Satan’s many distractions, that prompt my neglect?  As a weapon against both, I grasp the Word-sword:

Let the sea and everything in it, shout His praise! Let the earth and all living things join in.   (Psalm 98:7)

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Dear Creator-LORD,
            Thank you for the thirst-quenching water that sustains earthly life. Thank you for the blessing of bountiful and beautiful rivers, lakes, oceans and springs. Help me to cherish all the work of your hands. Forgive my lack of praise for creation blessings.  Teach me to dive into your grace, soak in your Word, and swim through times of storms and stillness, by your Spirit’s power.  
                In Jesus’ name.  Amen              

 YOUR TURN to write or comment:     

          List the various ways water blesses you.

What are your favorite ways of enjoying bodies of water?

          How might you  “shout His praise”?
