Excuses and Commitment

   I did it: made a commitment to writing 500 words a day for 31 days. Yep.  Even joined a FaceBook group to show how serious I am!  Except, I forgot to write any words yesterday, day one.  But that’s OK, all is forgiven.  The good Lord forgives me, I can forgive myself.  So today is a fresh start.  How long is 500 words anyway?  How many paragraphs?  I suppose it doesn’t pay to count…yet…(hmm, 74).
   This is a great idea, at least on paper and computer screen.  Writing everyday should motivate me to set goals, get back to my blog, or perhaps scribble down an outline for that Bible encouragement project. There is a pretty, blue box on my shelf overflowing with saved quotes, Scriptures and tidbits that would be a blessing to weave together to create a book, or at least an article.  Because studying God’s Word gives purpose, comfort and eternal meaning to life, it makes sense to want to teach people the whys and hows of mining its treasures.  This project would be meaningful to me and Lord willing, also to others.  So what has stopped me from an official start? Can I blame it on my surroundings?
  My husband can effectively work in his office (writing Bible studies and creating spreadsheets)  surrounded by stacks of mail, books, to-do files, to-throw out papers, pencils that need sharpening, bulletin boards covered with old news and greeting cards, printer and extension cords, boxes of ink cartridges, 3 pairs of shoes, vinyl records, computer CDs, a non-repairable camera, an unused waterpik waterflosser,  DVDs to review for church,  and a file cabinet with drawers that can’t close all the way.  Admittedly, this is on one of his more organized days (when he can find his planner) . 
  In striking contrast, I need an ultra-organized room and desk before my hands can touch the keyboard. Thus, things that rudely prevent me from becoming a well know author ( or starting a writing project) include:  dust on the windowsill,  cat hair on my office chair, too many cords running across my desk, a dusty light fixture,  and not enough markers to sufficiently color code my to-do list. Can you blame me?  Do you relate to my environmental needs, or to my husband’s ignore-a-mess abilities?  What do you NEED to write?   Like me, do you have physical needs to balance proper caffeine levels (alertness vs bathroom visit urgency)?  Do your friends’ texts, and telemarketer phone calls destroy my writing mood?  Those are good excuses for me.  Not to mention my intense maternal instinct to troll Facebook, making sure my out-of-state, grown children aren’t experiencing any emergencies  (like “Mom, can you edit this for me?  It’s due at midnight .”)

     So how can I be inspired to commit and start and write?  Reflecting on the uncountable natural wonders from microscopic cell structures to star-studded galaxies, I am awed by an Almighty Creator who inspires us to create.  His love encourages us to give glory to him in all we do ( I Corinthians 10:31) .  Jesus is committed to me.  May that thought prompt me to pursue this writing challenge and hopefully, his will.

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