Beginning tomorrow, I will add SELF-DISCIPLINE to my to-do
list. Enough with the casual , retiree attitude of “I
will get to the shower-taking,
exercising, healthy food making/eating, laundry, chores later. And as long as I can postpone them,
I'll just lay in bed a little bit longer….”
A month ago, I got out of bed on the wrong foot, (or is it side?) because the cat that
happened to be under my foot at the time. Her tigress scream got my adrenaline pumping
so fast, I had to lie down again until the tachycardia subsided.
Out of fear that my heart might stampede again with the addition of caffeine, I
skipped my breakfast coffee. That lack was the reason my eyes were still half closed
while driving. Suddenly I had to make a quick decision when the garbage man walked around from
the back of his truck, into part of my lane. Let’s see: hit the man or snow pile? I
wisely chose the latter. The ice on top of the snow bank
was a surprise, as was the sound it made skimming the front
bumper. My vehicle kept traveling, so I
assumed it was probably fine. Besides, I was late for the YMCA Yoga for Old
People class.
After surviving several dead bug and quivering-tree namaste positions, I limped out to the parking lot. The friendly driver of the car parked next to mine called out, “Hey, did you know you have a flat tire?” “No thanks," I answered. "I mean no, thanks!” The missing pieces of car body around the deflated tire solved the mystery of the previously heard CRUNCH.
To end this sad (but mostly true) tale quickly--500 deductible dollars later I am the proud owner of a new bumper. Unfortunately, my van's other dents and rust spots are now more noticeable.
People like to quote people who say things always happen for a reason. Improving my self-discipline (including getting out of bed at sunrise) is my goal, starting tomorrow.
Or maybe next week?
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