If you prefer getting a recommendation before you invest in a book, this blog is for you! Summer is an excellent season to treat yourself to a good book!
The following are books written by talented Christian women.
Besides buying their books, you can encourage these authors by putting a positive review on Amazon or Goodreads. Reviews encourage others to read it and be blessed as well.
I have read, enjoyed and been inspired by the following:
My 180: Loving God More by Angie Molkentin
Ruth: Living in God's Unfailing Faithfulness by Naomi Schmidt
Bloom Where God Plants You by Rebecca Wendland
The Bread of Angles by Amber Albee Swenson
Devotions for Country Living by Rebecca McLafferty
Sisters & Friends by Susan Marlene
And for kids (but I enjoyed them too!)
Miraculous Debut by Jes Woller
And here's a plug for my e-book Developing a Devoted Family: Reasons and Resources for Home Worship.
What have you read lately that you would like to recommend?
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Linda Jane Niedfeldt has written a series of 4 books of historical fiction for grades 3-5 to 105 yrs. old. Red as in Russia..., Green as in Springtime... White as ... and Gold as October Sunsets... Fascinating reading!! She also wrote "Psalms in My Backpack" about her trek on the Appalachian Trail with her husband and four children. Also a great read.