Fighting Forgetfulness

I’m a list maker.

But it’s not because I am an efficient, super-organized, home administrator.

It’s because I’d otherwise forget.

The promised favors, various repair needs, volunteer obligations, and important recipe ingredients would be victims of neglect if not for my writing and posting notes. This is also the reason I am fanatical about putting items back after their use—so I’ll be able to find them!

Were you taught to memorize Scripture passages from childhood on? Or have you challenged yourself with this valuable habit as an adult? The blessings of filling our heart with His promises are abundant, especially as we learn to apply the Word to our lives.

But what if those Bible gems fade or disappear?

Like many people, my forgetfulness has increased with age. What can be done to retain and regain Scripture memory?


Thanks to the Holy Spirit’s nudging, my forgetfulness has motivated these assistive actions:

1. Participate. In order to pay more attention to sermons and Bible classes, I open and personalize my Bible, taking notes and underlining with my own color code.

Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love. Psalm 48:9

2. Peruse.  Instead of my old habit of skipping familiar verses, I slow down, think, read some study notes, and review the context.

You study the Scriptures diligently... These are the very Scriptures that testify about me. (Jesus) John 5:39

3. Pre-plan. I realize the necessity of reviewing promises and proof passages before they are needed. If I wait for a crisis, or an unbeliever’s questions, my unprepared mind will probably go blank.

 Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. I Peter 3:15

Even as my faculties fade, I know my eternal heavenly Father does not forget the needs of his children. But thanks to Christ's redemption, he has chosen to forget our sin. 

Thank you Lord, for this memorable comfort.

Remember, O LORD, your compassion and your mercy, for they are from eternity.  Psalm 25:6


  1. Hi Susan,
    You might appreciate this book on memory that was in the book bag at Shepherds Conference last year called Redeeming Memory.
    Check it out at


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