(Sung to the tune of the Julie Andrew's song, My Favorite Things)
Ice formed on noses and bare frozen fingers,
Ways to remember how long winter lingers.
Walk like you're pregnant when treading on ice,
This is why some think the mid-west's not nice.
Quick warm the soup pot to defrost our bellies,
Always make sure there's thick fur in your wellies.
Snowbirds are down south and bears hibernate,
Snowmobile owners think this season's great.
Wish I could sleep until this season passes,
Late winter goes slow like dripping molasses.
What's nice in March? Can you think of something?
Will I thaw out by the middle of Spring?
When the crocus red
Rears its tiny head
Piercing up through the snow,
Cherish those days before they go away
and then you won't feel so sad!
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